If you're not familiar

with Sofar Sounds by now,

that's something you need

to add to you

to-do list.

The international organization

hosts intimate,

mysterious shows

all around the world.

Fittingly enough,

one of the most active

cities on the map

is Chicago.

With a few shows every

week and with three

performances at every show,

their portfolio is doing nothing

but growing and growing.

In the last week alone,

they've released

over a dozen videos

from Chicago

onto their YouTube channel

(which has 275,000 followers).

Scrolling through

their channel,

I found a great deal

of familiar names,

names which you will find

scattered throughout this article.

From the stripped down lullaby

on Pryka's "Island",

where he softly plays the keys,

to the grooving "Novelty"

by Sport Boyfriend,

where she lets loose on guitar,

to the sobering and impressive

wordplay poetics from David Ashley.

It all strikes a chord here.

Every setting, every sound,

every style

is different than the next.

You can find instrumentalist

Brian Sanborn

in the background

for the high energy

"Stress, Love"

from Elton Aura

as well as playing away

for the "Friends Freestyle"

by Ambi Lyrics,

with a little vocal help

from Via Rosa,

Legit, and LA VanGogh.

Sofar is a delicate and soothing

affair time and time again,

so as you enjoy

these six videos

in this article,

be sure to scroll through

more on their channel

and sign up for an event

in the near future.

Chances are you'll be able

to choose one

in a venue down the road

from where you sleep.